Devas | Deities in Hinduism

Brahma Deva definition

Brahmā is the Creator in Hindu mythology; sometimes he is said to form a trinity with Viṣṇu as preserver and Śiva as destroyer. Yet Brahmā does not have the importance that Creator gods usually have in mythology, nor is his status equal to that of Śiva or Viṣṇu. Brahmā’s characteristics are derived largely from that of the god Prajāpati in the Brahmāṇas.

Indra deva on elephant

Indra (Sanskrit: इन्द्र) is an ancient Vedic deity, a deity in Hinduism, a guardian deity in Buddhism, and the king of the highest heaven called Saudharmakalpa in Jainism. In Vedas, Indra is the king of Svarga (Heaven) and the Devas. He is the god of the heavens, lightning, thunder, storms, rains, river flows, and war. Indra is the most mentioned deity in the Ṛg Veda:

Indra | Indra Deva | I

Indra In India the worship of the god Indra , king of the gods , warrior of the gods , god of rain , begins properly in the Ṛg Veda , circa 1200 BCE, but his broader nature can be traced farther back into the proto-Indo-European world. He wields the thunderbolt, drinks the ambrosial soma to excess, bestows fertility upon human women (often by sleeping

The Navagrahas — Planetary Deities

The Nine planets (Nava-Grahas) are the “Lords of Karma” and are the mediators of Karma – Action — it’s causes and its effects. Everything in the world is ruled by one or other of the Grahas. The external Macrocosm is known as Brahmāṇḍa and the internal Microcosm of the individual is known as Piṇḍāṇḍa — both are mutually related to each other: For example the

Iconography of the Vedic Deities

Iconography of the Vedic Deities Almost all the original High Gods of the Rig Veda have been demoted in modern Hinduism to Loka- pālas — guardian deities of the directions. Three relatively minor deities of the Rig Veda were elevated to the modern Trinity — Brahmā, Viṣṇu and Śiva. The Loka-pālas play a major role in Vāstu and are invoked in all ceremonies involving buildings.

The 10 Great Wisdom Goddesses

Mahā-Kālī is the personification of the universal power of transformation, the transcendent power of Time, the Great Goddess who rules unchallenged over the universe and all that is in it. Mahā-Kālī sub-divides herself into the 10 goddesses known as the Mahā-vidyās (ten objects of transcendent wisdom) which are the 10 aspects of the cycle of time — they’re representative of the entire processes of projection

Gaṇeśa-Murugan-Ayyappan-Hanumān | IV

This part of series on Hindu icons and Symbols is dedicated to what we could call the Dharma Princes or Devas of Inner Circle - they are the most venerated deities right next to the Devas of Trimūrti and Divine Mother. I am speaking here about the 2 Divine sons of Lord Shiva - namely - Śrī Ganesha and Lord Murugan, the Lord Ayyappa -

Sarasvatī-Lakṣmī-Durgā | Devi III

This is the third part in series of introduction about Hindu Icons and Symbols - this time we will study in detail about the Devi Mā - Divine Mother, the feminine counterparts of great Devas - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. In Hinduism Divine Mother is seen as the active Divine power or Shakti, capable to deliver all Divine qualities and strengths to living beings. Some

Trinity - Hindu Icons and Symbols

This is the second part in series of introduction about Hindu Icons and Symbols - this time we will study in detail about the Hindu Trinity or Trimūrti - the most important Devas who Create, Suppport and Destroy this Universe in the course of cycle of time - about Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva respectively, their symbols, tools, vehicles, most important qualities and features.
