Viṣṇu Sūktam
viṣṇor nukaṁ vīryāṇi pravocaṁ yaḥ pārthivāni vimame rajāgm si yo
askabhāyad uttaragm sadhasthaṁ vicakramāṇas tredho rugāyo viṣṇo
rarāṭamasi viṣṇoḥ pṛṣṭhamasi viṣṇoḥ śñaptrestho viṣṇos yūrasi viṣṇo
dhruvam asi vaiṣṇavam asi viṣṇave tvā|
I will declare the mighty deeds of Vishnu; of Him who measured out the earthly regions. Who established the highest abode , thrice setting down His footstep, widely striding. RV.1:154:1 Thou art the forehead of Vishnu; thou art the back of Vishnu; ye two are the corners of Vishnu's mouth.
Thou art the thread of Vishnu, thou art the fixed point of Vishnu. Thou art of Vishnu; to Vishnu thee. (TS. 1:2:13)
viṣṇor nukaṁ vīryāṇi pravocaṁ yaḥ pārthivāni vimame rajāgum si yo
askabhāyad uttaragum sadhasthaṁ vicakramāṇas tredho rugāyaḥ || 1 ||
I will declare the mighty deeds of Vishnu; of Him who measured out the earthly regions. Who established the highest abode, thrice setting down His footstep, widely striding. (R.V.1:154:1)
tad asya priyam abhipātho aśyām | naro yatra devayavo madanti |
urukram asya sa hi bandhur itthā viṣṇoḥ pado parame Madhva uthsaḥ || 2||
May I attain to His well-beloved realm where the devotees rejoice. For there springs, close akin to the Wide-Strider; the source of immortality in Vishnu's highest footstep.
prastad viṣṇus tavate vīryāya | mrgo na bhīmaḥ kucaro giriṣṭhāḥ|
yosyoruṣu triṣu vikramaṇeṣu | adhikṣiyanti bhuvanāni viśvā || 3 ||
For this His mighty deed is Vishnu praised, who like some wild lion, dread, prowling, roams the mountains. He within whose three wide-extending paces all living creatures have their existence.
paro mātrayā tanuvā vṛdhāna | na te mahitvam anvaśnuvanti |
ubhe te vidma rajasi pṛthivyā| viṣṇo devatvam paramasya vithse || 4 ||
Humans cannot comprehend your greatness, Who expands beyond all bound and measure with your body. Both your two regions of the earth , O Vishnu we know; you O God knows the highest.
vicakrame pṛthivīm eṣa etām | kṣetrāya viṣṇur manuṣe daśasyan |
dhruvāso asya kīrayo janāsaḥ| urukṣitagum sujanim ācakāra || 5 ||
Over this earth with mighty step strode Vishnu, ready to give it for a home to Manu. In Him the humble people trust for refuge; He, the Nobly Born, has made them spacious dwellings.
trir devaḥ prthivīm eṣa etām | vicakrame śartacasaṁ mahitvā|
pra-viṣṇur astu tavasastavīyān | tveṣagum hyasya sthavirasya nāma || 6 ||
Three times God strode forth in all His grandeur over this earth bright with a hundred splendours.
Foremost is Vishnu, stronger than the strongest; for glorious is His name Who lives forever.
ato devā avantu no yato viṣṇur vicakrame |
prthivyāḥ sapta dhāmabhiḥ || 7 ||
The gods be gracious unto us even from the place whence Vishnu strode. Through the seven regions of the earth.
idaṁ viṣṇur vicakrame tredha nidadhe padam |
samūḍham asya pāgum sure || 8 ||
Through all this world strode Vishnu; thrice His foot he planted, and the whole was gathered in His footstep's dust.
trīṇi padā vicakrame viṣṇur gopā adābhyaḥ| ato dharmāṇi dhārayan ||
Vishnu, the Protector, He whom none deceives, made three steps, thenceforth, Establishing His high ordinances.
viṣṇoḥ karmāṇi paśyati yato vratāni paspaśe |
indrasya yujyasya sakhāḥ || 10 ||
Look upon the deeds of Vishnu, whereby the friend of Indra, close-allied, Has let his pastimes be seen.
tad viṣṇoḥ paramaṁ padagum sadā paśyanti sūrayaḥ |
divīva cakṣurātatam || 11 ||
The Nitya Sūrīs evermore behold that loftiest place where Vishnu is, placed as it where an eye in heaven.
tad viprāso vipanyavo jāgrvāgum saḥ samindhate |
viṣṇor yat paramaṁ padam || 12 ||
This Vishnu's station most sublime, the singers ever vigilant, Lovers of holy song light up.(Rik Veda 1:22: 16-21)