Mantras to Lord Rāma
Prayer to Lord Rāma (Śrī Rāma-Vandanam)
These 3 Mantras of Lord Rāma should be recited every morning as regular prayer before chanting the Guru-Mantra.
The first Mantra is infallible Mantra in removing all kinds of sufferings of Jīva and bestows the grace of all merciful Lord Rāma, the most superior. Especially famous for it's healing qualities.
The second Mantra is one of the greatest Mantras of Lord Rāma. It can be repeated as many times a devotee want with pleased mind.
3rd Mantra is Dhyāna Mantra i.e. meditation Mantra on all attractive form of Lord Rāma. During chanting this mantra, one should meditate on Lord Rāma as described in the Mantra. This Mantra has a very deep meaning too. It represents whole Rāmāyaṇa in one single verse.
आपदामपहर्तारं दातारां सर्वसम्पदाम्।
लोकाभिरामं श्रीरामं भूयो-भूयो नामाम्यहम्॥१॥
Āpadāmapahartāraṁ dātārāṁ sarvasampadām।
lōkābhirāmaṁ śrīrāmaṁ bhūyō-bhūyō nāmāmyaham॥1॥
Who removes all types of adversity and agony of Jīva (living beings);
Who bestows all types of favour, honour and wealth;
By looking at whom, the world feel very pleased;
to that Śrī Rāma, I bow again and again.
रामाय रामभद्राय रामचन्द्राय वेधसे।
रघुनाथाय नाथाय सीतायाः पतये नमः॥२॥
Rāmāya rāmabhadrāya rāmacandrāya vēdhasē।
raghunāthāya nāthāya sītāyāḥ patayē namaḥ॥2॥
My salutations to Lord Rāma; To Śrī Rāmabhadrā, To Śrī Rāmachandra,
To the lord of Vedas, To the chief of Raghu clan,
To the lord of all worlds, And to the Lord of Sitā.
नीलाम्बुजश्यामलकोमलाङ्गं सीतासमारोपितवामभागम।
पाणौ महासायकचारूचापं नमामि रामं रघुवंशनाथम॥३॥
Nīlāmbujaśyāmalakōmalāṅgaṁ sītāsamārōpitavāmabhāgama।
pāṇau mahāsāyakacārūcāpaṁ namāmi rāmaṁ raghuvaṁśanāthama॥3॥
Who has complexion and softness like that of a blue lotus, whose body parts are very soft; On whose left side resides his dear consort Sītā;
Who has a divine arrow and a beautiful bow in His hands, I pray to that Śrī Rāma who is the Lord of Raghu dynasty.
The Rāmānanda Sampradāya, who are the most dedicated Rāma devotees consider the unified form of Rāma and Sītā as their Iṣṭā Devatā or the supreme form of God.
Their lineage Rāma mantra is very, very secret and revealed only from Guru to Śiṣya (student) directly during the Mantra Dīkṣā initiation. And of course, you will not find it anywhere on the internet, because nobody of the initiates are allowed to reveal it and they can get very angry if asked.
However, the mantra is Sītā Rāma , and I can reveal it, because I have never met their Guru who resides only in Chitrakoot, India, while I live only in Latvia, Europe.
P.S. Just saying....Mantra with appropriate initiation, given by most saintly teacher is indeed very beneficial, good and I respect this tradition and recommend to others. But - living in some small far-away land - most often don't leave us with big choice, if mantra practice is all we do every day for 30 years....and I can assure - it still works. I do this remark, because there are some who are afraid to start practice with even one mantra, and there are those who try to fire up their fears.
- So, I authoritatively say this - it's always better to practice as refrain from practice and stay criminal!
The following specific Rāma mantras can also be used, both for devotional or specific or astrological reasons.
In the Nārada Purāṇa, Sanat Kumār teaches, that among the mantras of Gaṇeśa, Śivā, Durgā, Sūrya, Viṣṇu, the Vaiṣṇava mantras give results most easily. Of these, the mantras of Śrī Rāma destroy all sins.
Śrī Rāma as one of the highest avatars of Lord Viṣṇu is represented by the Sun. Those who have the Sun as the Ātmā-kāraka or as the Iṣṭa Devatā can avail of these selective and beautiful mantras to pray to their chosen deities.
Depending upon the placement of the Sun in the different houses of the horoscope, appropriate Rāma mantras can be adopted to improve ones’ capacity to work, inner strength and for the removal of one’s sins.
Such Rāma mantras for worshipping the Sun, will remove afflictions of a badly placed/weak Sun, which will destroy poverty, grant health, wealth, the highest of Rāja Yogas and strengthen the lagna.
Pañcākṣarī or the 5-syllable Rāma mantra.
The pañcākṣarī mantra is suitable for those who have Sun in the 5th house. The 5th house rules the intelligence and the mind, and the Sun rules the 5th house of the natural zodiac. This placement of the Sun depicts supreme intelligence, prowess in scriptures, specially the Gītā, the Vedāṇgas and Jyotiṣa, knowledge in aparā vidyā and a very sharp mind. The 5th house is also putrasthāna, and the Sun as a malefic destroys this house. The pañcākṣarī mantra therefore is a significant mantra for those desiring children and having an afflicted Sun in the 5th as well as those for aiming to reach the highest frontiers of knowledge.
रामाय नमः
Rāmāya namaḥ
This mūla mantra of five akṣaras can be converted to ṣaḍākṣarīs by adding any of the following Bījas: Rām, Klīm or Hrīm as a prefix.
Ṣaḍākṣarī or the 6-syllable Rāma mantra
The ṣaḍākṣarī (six syllables) mantra of Rāma, known as the Mantrarāj, is considered supreme among all mantras of Śrī Rāma. According to the Nārada Purāṇa, this mantra can single handedly remove all sins. It should be recited by those who have the Sun in the 6th house, giving him the capacity to destroy his enemies and the spiritual strength to overcome the weaknesses of the ṣaḍripus. The ṣaḍākṣarī mantra is as follows:
रां रामाय नमः
rāṁ rāmāya namaḥ
The accompanying ṣaḍākṣarī mantra for his śakti, Sītā, is called the Jānakī Mantra:
श्री सीतायै स्वाहा
śrī sītāyai svāhā
The dhyāna for the ṣaḍākṣarī mantra is given below:
कालाम्भोधरकान्तं च वीरासनसमास्थितं।
kālāmbhodharakāntaṁ ca vīrāsanasamāsthitaṁ|
ज्ञानमुद्रां दक्षहस्ते दधतं जानुनीतरं॥
jñānamudrāṁ dakṣahaste dadhataṁ jānunītaraṁ||
सरोरुहकरां सीतां विद्युदाभां च पार्शगां।
saroruhakarāṁ sītāṁ vidyudābhāṁ ca pārśagāṁ|
पश्यन्तीं रामवक्राब्जं विविधाकल्पभुशितां॥
paśyantīṁ rāmavakrābjaṁ vividhākalpabhuśitāṁ||
Śrī Rāma’s complexion is lustrous like the rain clouds. He is seated in Vīrāsana. His right hand is in jñāna Mudrā, while the left rests on the left knee.
Sītā devī, dazzling with the radiance of lightening and adorned with various ornaments and clothes is seated to his left. She holds a lotus and is gazing at the radiant face of her beloved Rāma.
The other two ṣaḍākṣarī mantras are:
क्लीं रामाय नमः
klīṁ rāmāya namaḥ
ह्रीं रामाय नमः
hrīṁ rāmāya namaḥ
Saptākṣarī or the 7-syllable Rāma mantra
The following mantras are good for strengthening and absolving problems, when the Sun is placed in the 7th house or kalatrabhāva.
This placement of the Sun brings a spouse who will bring light to the lives of the native and his family and give a new lease to start life afresh, where there has been darkness and despair.
Such a spouse will be a pillar of strength and shoulder the responsibilities of the native’s family, nourish it back to life and sustain it by extending the lineage.
रामचन्द्राय स्वाहा
Rāmacandrāya svāhā
2. रामभद्राय स्वाहा
Rāmabhadrāya svāhā
śyāmaṁ vīrāsanāsīnaṁ jñānamudropaśobhitaṁ||
vāmorunyastataddhastaṁ sītālakṣmaṇasaṁyutaṁ|
avekṣamāṇamātmānaṁ manmathāmitatejasaṁ||
śuddhasphatikasaṁkāśaṁ kevalaṁ mokṣakāṅkṣayā|
cintayet paramātmānamṛtulakṣaṁ japenmanuṁ||
On the banks of the Sarayū, under a Mandāra Tree is laid a lotus seat.
On this lotus seat, the Dark Hued One (Śrī Rāma) is seated in Vīrāsana. His right hand is in jñāna mudrā and the left hand rests on his left thigh. He is seated together with Sītā and Lakṣmaṇa. He is more brilliantly radiant than Kāmadeva and unites with the Paramātmā in his meditation. He is pure like a crystal and should be perceived and realised only with the desire for mokṣa. Meditate upon this Paramātmā.
Aṣṭākṣarī or the 8-syllable Rāma mantra
There are two basic Aṣṭākṣarī mantras, the rituals of which follow that of the ṣaḍākṣarī. These should be recited by those who have the Sun in the 8th house.
ॐ रामचन्द्राय नमः
om rāmacandrāya namaḥ
2. ॐ रामभद्राय नमः
om rāmabhadrāya namaḥ
The following is the Aṣṭākṣarī mahāmantra, which is the mūla mantra for many other compound mantras:
ॐ रामाय हुं फट् स्वाहा
om rāmāya huṁ phaṭ svāhā
Navākṣarī or the 9-syllable Rāma mantra
The two-Aṣṭākṣarī mantras can be converted to navākṣarīs with the addition of ‘Om’ in the end. They will then read thus:
ॐ रामचन्द्राय नमः ॐ
om rāmacandrāya namaḥ om
ॐ रामभद्राय नमः ॐ
om rāmabhadrāya namaḥ om
Navākṣarī mantras are suitable for those who have the Sun placed in the 9th house, in the dharmasthana.
The Sun in the 9th house represents dharma, religiosity, duty, honesty, with the dynamism and fire to build temples and religious institutions. The Sun and the 9th house also represent the father.
Those who have a weak or an afflicted Sun in the 9th house, would benefit from the navākṣarī mantras of Rāma.
Daśākṣarī or the 10-syllable Rāma mantra
हुं जानकीवल्लभाय स्वाहा
huṁ jānakīvallabhāya svāhā
The daśākṣarī mantras are powerful mantras for karma-yogis, with their Sun in the 10th house.
The Sun in the 10th house gives a person immense capability to work and achieve and enjoy the best of Rāja yogas, enabling him to reach the zenith in fame and glory.
Śrī Rāma had an exalted Sun in the 10th, signifying that he was the leading light of the Sūrya Vaṁśa and renowned for his kingship and tremendous valour.
ayodhyānagarei ratnacitrasauvarṇamaṇdapei|
mandārapuṣpairābaddhavitāne toraṇānvitei||
siṁhāsanasamāsīnaṁ puṣpakopari rāghavam|
rakṣoubhirharibhirdevaiḥ suvimānagataiḥ śubhaiḥ||
saṁstuyamānaṁ munibhiḥ prahaibaśca parisevitam|
sītālakṛtavāmāgṅṁ lakṣamaṇenopaśobhitam||
śyāmaṁ prasannavadanaṁ sarvabharaṇabhuṣitam|
Translation: In the divine city of Ayodhyā, there is a golden disc bedecked with jewels and ornaments. Above the disc is a canopy made of Mandāra flowers.
There is a gate, and beyond the gate is the Puṣpaka Vimāna (chariot), upon which Śrī Rāghava sits atop a throne. In that beautiful Vimāna, all the devatās (gods), monkeys, rākṣasas (demons) and the Mahāṛṣis (sages) are serving śrī Rāma and singing hymns in his praise.
To his left, sits Sītā, glorifying her surrounds, and to his right is Lakṣmaṇa, adding to the resplendence of the great lord. Śrī Rāma is dark hued, with a peaceful and smiling countenance and bedecked with many adornments.
Ekādaśakṣarī or the 11-syllable Rāma mantra
ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं श्रीं दाशरथाय नमः
om hrīṁ śrīṁ śrīṁ dāśarathāya namaḥ
The dhyāna is the same as that for saptakṣarī mantras. This mantra is for those who have the Sun in the 11th house, the bhāva for gains and income. The śrīm bīja, depicting Lakṣmī will ensure a good income while the Sun will ensure success and gains from all professional undertakings.
Dvādaśākṣarī or the 12-syllable Rāma mantra
1 ॐ नमो भगवते रामचन्द्राय
om namo bhagavate rāmacandrāya
2 ॐ नमो भगवते रामभद्राय
om namo bhagavate rāmabhadrāya
The dvādaśākṣarī mantras are for those who have the Sun in the 12th house.
Although this is the Marana Kāraka Sthāna of the Sun, the 12th house belongs to Viṣṇu and is the house for meditation and mokṣa. So for purposes of Iṣṭa Devatā worship, worshipping the Rāma Avatār of Viṣṇu with these dvādaśākṣarī mantras are excellent.
Trayodaśakṣarī - or the 13-syllable Rāma mantra
श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम
śrī rāma jaya rāma jaya jaya rāma
The dhyāna is the same as that for the daśākṣarī mantras.
This mantra is for those who have the Sun in the lagna. The mere mention of the name of Rāma will destroy all evils and dangers.
Special purpose mantra
Mahāpuruṣa Yoga
ॐ नमो भगवते रामाय महापुरुषाय नमः
oṁ namo bhagavate rāmāya mahāpuruṣāya namaḥ
Kalyāṇa Verma (Sārāvali) explains that mahāpuruṣa yogas cannot fructify if the Sun is weak, and Parāsara has listed Śrī Rāma as the highest form of the Sun incarnation. Worshipping Śrī Rāma with this mantra makes the mahāpuruṣa yoga in a chart.
Battle, court cases
रामाय धनुष्पाणये स्वाहा
rāmāya dhanuṣpāṇaye svāhā
The daśākṣarī mantra listed above will give the worshipper the strength and power to remove obstacles and emerge victorious in all his undertakings.
Wealth, finance
ॐ रां श्रीं
रामभद्र महेष्वास रघुवीर नृपोत्तम।
दशास्यान्तकं मां रक्ष देहि मे परमां श्रियम्॥
om rāṁ śrīṁ
rāmabhadra maheṣvāsa raghuvīra nṛpottama|
daśāsyāntakaṁ māṁ rakṣa dehi me paramāṁ śriyam||
This 35-akṣara mantra gives all kinds of gains and wealth as 35-akṣara relates to the 11th house. Removing the three-bīja akṣara in the beginning, the 32-akṣara-anuṣṭup mantra, which removes all sins, is obtained.
Sins destruction
राम राम महाबाहो देवानांभयंकर।
त्वां नमस्ये तु देवेश मम नश्यतु पातकम्॥
rāma rāma mahābāho devānāṁbhayaṁkara|
tvāṁ namasye tu deveśa mama naśyatu pātakam||