Vedanta & Hinduism Category

Vedanta...formerly Hinduism...but some Hinduism too...the Religious One...
I don't care about cultures, but a better - If Hinduism is not a Religion, I call it Vedanta...
Vedanta seems too narrow to encompass all 6 Darshanas, and Hinduism too confusing...

Hindus - practitioners of religious duty (Dharma)
not to be confused with Indians & Indian heritage

God as a Man - Avatars | Vivekananda

Higher and nobler than all ordinary ones, are another set of teachers, the Avatāras of Ishwara, in the world. They can transmit spirituality on with a touch, even with a mere wish. The lowest and the most degraded characters become in one second saints at their command. They are the Teachers of all teachers, the highest manifestations of God through man.

Qualities of true Guru and Student

—“He who is learned in the Scriptures, sinless, unpolluted by lust, and is the greatest knower of the Brahman,” is the real Guru,spiritual teacher.The whole world reads Bibles, Vedas, and Korans; but they are all only words, syntax, etymology, philology—the dry bones of religion.

Why Guru is needed

This inadequacy of books to quicken spiritual growth is the reason why, although almost every one of us can speak most wonderfully on Spiritual matters, when it comes to action and the living of a truly spiritual life, we find ourselves so awfully deficient. To quicken the spirit, the impulse, must come from another soul, Guru.

Spiritual Realisation, the Aim of Bhakti-Yoga

Bhakta through the mercy of the Lord, reaches a plane where pedantic and powerless reason is left far behind, and the mere intellectual groping through the dark gives place to the daylight of direct perception.He no more reasons and believes, he almost perceives. He no more argues, he senses. And is not this seeing God, and feeling God, and enjoying God, higher than everything else?

Philosophy of Ishwara | Vivekananda

Who is Ishwara?! Ishwara is the highest manifestation of the Absolute Reality, or, in other words, the highest possible reading of the Absolute by the human mind. Creation is eternal, and so also is Ishwara.Brahman is as the clay or substance out of which an infinite variety of articles are fashioned. As clay, they are all one; but form or manifestation differentiates them.

Definition of Bhakti | Vivekananda

BHAKTI-YOGA is a real, genuine search after the Lord, a search beginning, continuing, and ending in Love. One single moment of the madness of extreme love to God brings us eternal freedom. “Bhakti,” says Nārada in his explanation of the Bhakti-aphorisms, “is intense love to God.”—“When a man gets it, he loves all, hates none; he becomes satisfied forever.”


Karma Yoga means literally 'skill or dexterity in work’, and it deals with all activity whether of body or mind. Recognizing that activity is an inevitable condition of life, that no human being can live without performing some kind of work, either mental or physical, it seeks through its teaching to show how this constant output of energy may be utilized to acquire the greatest

Doctrine of Karma by Swami Abhedananda

No action can escape this law, that every cause must be followed by an effect, that every action is bound to react upon the actor with similar force and effect.This universal law is called Karma.

Sānkhya Philosophy

Sāṁkhya Darśana is a traditional philosophical school of India that assume the existence of two eternal principles – the Nature or Material principle (Prakṛti) and the Spiritual or Soul (Puruṣa).Buddha Shakyamuni himself was practicing under the guidance of Sānkhya teachers, before he reached enlightenment.

Shivaism Scriptures and Basic Teachings

Here I am giving a short, concise introduction in Shivaism Scriptures and basic teachings. This introduction is based on a Tamil Shaivite book issued in 1863 called "A Catechism of the Shaiva Religion" by Sabhapati Mudaliyar of Kanjipuram and Sadashiva Mudaliyar of Chaturangapattanam.
